
Features & opinions | Automation, B2B2X, Comarch, Telecommunications

Innovative telecoms as an answer to demands of the modern market

February 10, 2023 | TM Forum Web Support

The market that we know nowadays is changing – and the pace of those changes is accelerating. There is a need for automation and digitization of products, services, and resource portfolios. It is not enough to have a comprehensive offer, you also need to focus on creating future-proof systems that will allow you to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Outdated products will not fulfill their intended function for modern customers. As a telecommunications company, you must offer innovative solutions that will deliver new revenue streams. What should be the focus when planning activities? How can you ensure a smooth transformation for your business? These questions come up during many meetings aimed at delivering new value within companies. The answer may lie in innovation that will primarily affect automation and digitization, leading to improved customer experience (CX).

Solutions to the challenges faced by telecoms

Coping with the challenges posed by the modern market and the telecommunications industry requires decisive, careful decisions. The key is to innovate and deliver new value for your customers. What are the key aspects to consider?

Simplifying B2B2X operations

The importance of partnership between all parties involved in providing services, mostly those based on the 5G network, is increasing. You have probably heard that 5G is about teamwork. But what does that really mean? Communications service providers (CSP) cannot provide network services alone. Effective cooperation is essential to deliver a product or service of the highest quality and on time. In order to achieve the right degree of partnership, the roles, privileges, and benefits of all parties must be well-defined.

The building block concept for new services

To modernize your business, reach back into your childhood for inspiration. Did you enjoy building towers or different shapes from blocks? Surely you remember that you only needed one set of blocks to create various constructions. You can create new services in the same way. All you have to do is drag and drop concrete functions and create a completely new offer from the available elements. What can be more innovative than your creativity?

Artificial intelligence plans actions

Automation in resource allocation is at the heart of Business 4.0. What if we told you that you could simplify this process with the use of artificial intelligence (AI)? Of course, we are talking here about various types of resources, but currently, the telecommunications industry is faced primarily with the lack of or limited access to expert knowledge. AI-driven multi-criteria intelligent resource allocation supports telecoms in overcoming this barrier.

Are you ready to be more innovative?

The next step is up to you. You can implement the suggested solutions and see how the results, both financial and in terms of portfolio attractiveness, increase. You can also implement changes gradually, but then the competition may overtake you, delaying your business revolution and even rendering your organization obsolete. The key to success is to create value that will guide the company not only seasonally, but throughout its entire operation. The innovative value will keep you always up to date, and you will be able to provide your partners or customers with appropriately tailored and satisfying systems.

Want to learn more about rethinking value in modern telecoms? Comarch has prepared a campaign with five episodes and essential reading material to allow you to gain more knowledge in this field. Discover materials that support “Creating Innovative Value in Telco”.

Let’s shape the future together!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting with Comarch experts at DTW Asia 2023, please contact us at: [email protected]

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