exhibitor manual

social media tips

Your participation at DTW Asia plays a vital role in showcasing your services to current and prospective clients. Increase your opportunity for increased returns on your exhibit investment and help grow the TM Forum community by encouraging your clients and colleagues to attend the conference. Here are some simple tools to assist you in your marketing efforts


  • Increase attendance at your booth
  • Demonstrate thought leadership to your customers
  • Expand your reach with social media and PR efforts
  • Meet with your customers in a central place
TM Forum social channels

Tip: Make sure to tag TM Forum so we can engage with the post.

Connect your marketing department with TM Forum

Let’s work together in raising your profile as a sponsor/exhibitor. Connect your social media and/or marketing department with our team and we’ll collaborate on posts.

Sample social media posts:

Post #1: [COMPANY] is proud to be [sponsoring OR exhibiting' at [TAG TM FORUM] #DTWAsia event. Register now and join us in Bangkok from 14-16 March, alongside some of the biggest names in the #telecommunications industry. Learn more: http://dtwa.tmforum.org/ #TMFDigital

Post #2: Looking forward to [sponsoring OR exhibiting' at [TAG TM FORUM] #DTWAsia event. Will we see you there? Visit us at [BOOTH INFO] http://dtwa.tmforum.org/ #TMFDigital

Post #3: TM Forum's #DTWAsia is back! Will you be attending? Come and find us there! http://dtwa.tmforum.org/ #TMFDigital

Post #4: Are you ready to go back to in-person events? We are! Join us at TM Forum's #DTWAsia in Bangkok this March. You won't want to miss this #telco reunion http://dtwa.tmforum.org/ #TMFDigital

Quick tips for social media success
  1. Start your promotion as soon as you have signed up as a sponsor or exhibitor at the event. This will help build interest in your participation early, leading to greater interest by the time of the event. You don’t need to post heavily early on, but it’s great to kickstart the excitement once your engagement is confirmed.
  2. Plan your social media presence during the event. Who will be attending from your company? What will their roles be? How can they be involved in social media engagement? Involve the whole team if possible.
  3. One month out – step up your promotion. Start talking about what attendees can look forward to when connecting with you on the show floor. New products? Demos? Raffles?
  4. Make sure you use the official hashtags: #DTWAsia and #TMFDigital.
    • Each conference has its own special hashtag to make finding and re-sharing content easy for everyone. Using the hashtag will ensure that attendees will see your posts and our social media team can more easily support your promotional efforts.
  5. Planning the bulk of your social media posts before the actual event, using a social media dashboard like Hootsuite, is very helpful. This will save you a lot of time when you are live during the event and busy interacting with the attendees.

During the event: 

  1. Don’t just rely on scheduled posts – live post as well. Posting as things happen will add some additional interest to your promotion and gives you more flexibility to capitalize on events that occur on the day. 
  2. Be human and have a conversation. Use a natural voice in your posts – it should feel like your colleagues are speaking to the audience, not some corporate announcement. And make sure you reply to others posts when you can. 
  3. Use pictures and video. Showcase your booth on the show floor, any demos you may have, etc. The more interesting you can make your posts – both content-wise and visually, the more effective with will be for you.