
Masterclass – Intent-driven Autonomous Networks

Thursday, 16 March 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Stage: Transform
  • Learn about Autonomy and Autonomous Domains, the building blocks of the TM Forum’s Autonomous Networks Reference Architecture
  • Understand how Intent, the TMF921 Intent API and the new TM Forum Intent Ontology (TIO) help to realize autonomous, intent-driven operations
  • See examples of how the TM Forum’s Autonomous Network standards and frameworks have been used in recent case studies and catalyst projects, to achieve autonomy, Zero-X experiences and operational efficiency

Moderator: Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Labs & Innovation, TM Forum
Kevin McDonnell, Senior Director, Huawei 
Jörg Niemöller, Expert of Analytics & Customer Experience, Ericsson


Aaron Boasman-Patel

Vice President, AI, Labs & Innovation
TM Forum

Jörg Niemöller

Expert of Analytics and Customer Experience

Kevin McDonnell

Senior Director,