speaker bio

Etienne Rieuneau

Head of Business Development, Head of Connector Unit - DFDL

Etienne Rieuneau is a French business adviser based at our Bangkok office. Etienne’s main areas of expertise are in M&A, corporate finance and technology. He has amassed rich experience working in various countries across Asia and is regularly active on cross-border projects throughout Southeast Asia region. Having an entrepreneurial mindset, Etienne is also skilled in marketing and business development. As Head of DFDL’s Connector Unit, a platform geared to bring our clients new investment opportunities and business leads in DFDL’s markets, Etienne aims to forge robust client relationships by understanding their strategic and commercial priorities and assisting their expansion into new markets tailored to their particular strengths and sector specializations. Etienne holds three Master Degrees: in Management of Innovation from the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris; in R&D Management; and French Literature from the Ecole Normale Superieure in Lyon. He is currently serving as co-president of La French Tech Bangkok and speaks English, French, Mandarin and Thai.

Tuesday 14 March | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | ICT
NexTech: Turning telcos into techcos in collaboration with startups
Come join us for a thrilling session to discover startups working to shape the future of the Telecommunications industry. Each startup will have only 6 minutes to pitch and answer the questions of an experts committee