speaker bio

Phuwarat Norchoovech

Chief Executive Officer - UpPass

Palm Phuwarat is the CEO and Co-founder of UpPass, an integrated platform that unifies verification, fraud detection, and local data sources in one place for Southeast Asia markets. Prior to starting his venture, he led the Data Analytics team at Agoda and worked in the Finance Team at Airbnb where he noticed the problems of digital frauds such as account takeover and credit chargebacks are prominent in Southeast Asia and growing at a rapid pace. As the local data and fraud solutions are very fragmented in the region and global solutions from Europe or US do not have deep local data connections, he aims to consolidate the localized multi-layered fraud preventions with a simple integration for the region.

Tuesday 14 March | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | ICT
NexTech: Turning telcos into techcos in collaboration with startups
Come join us for a thrilling session to discover startups working to shape the future of the Telecommunications industry. Each startup will have only 6 minutes to pitch and answer the questions of an experts committee