speaker bio

Samit Banerjee

Division President Amdocs Cloud Operations - Amdocs

Samit Banerjee is division president of Amdocs cloud operations services. He is leading  the Amdocs’  managed services organization as well as the customer services unit, supporting the cross services initiatives across Amdocs customers and supporting AI operations in cloud and non-cloud applications. 

Previously, Samit was general manager of Amdocs’ Digital Delivery unit, responsible for the delivery of all the company’s digital transformation programs at leading service providers around the globe. Prior to joining Amdocs in 2012, Samit led Convergys’ global development organization and before that, was associate vice president at startup IT company UshaComm India. He was also a faculty member at the National Institute of Information Technology, India.

Samit holds a BSc. from Burdwan University, India and a diploma in advanced computer systems managementfrom the National Institute of Information Technology, India. 
