

together, we can be agents of


At TM Forum, we believe in the power of technology to drive environmental, social and governance (ESG) transformations that build a better future for all.

As a community, we aspire to be sustainable by design and foster our ambition through high impact practical innovations such as catalysts and collaborative member projects across all our themes.

Over the past few years, TM Forum have put in place a more structured approach to support our commitment to sustainability. In efforts to achieve this goal, we have committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals emphasizing realistic, achievable outcomes focusing on the path to net-zero, reducing inequalities, and increasing efficiencies. Becoming thought leaders and providing peer-to-peer knowledge.

A big step in this commitment is through our events. As such, we have committed to the following initiatives to ensure we are holding a responsible event for the environment, and our members.

Thailand is the first country to implement the UNESCO Sustainable Travel Pledge nation-wide. This pilot initiative is part of a larger partnership between UNESCO and Expedia Group, with the aim to promote sustainable tourism.

Bangkok’s gatherings are green and good, according to the latest Global Destination Sustainability Index that ranked the Thai capital the second best city in Asia for environmental and social practices in the meetings, conventions, and exhibitions sector.


Choose to stay in the adjoining hotel with preferred rates for our attendees to reduce transit or book at a hotel that is eco-certified.

  • Remember to turn off the lights and turn down the AC before leaving your hotel room.  
  • Conserve water by doing your part to keep your showers short and shut off the water while brushing your teeth. 

going paperless

We will strive to print only the essentials at our event. When we do print, we will use recycled paper, and print double sided.
We will not be printing an event guide. Attendees will be encouraged to download the event app when available.

energy and recycling

We will ensure only critical equipment will remain switched on throughout the night.

Attendee badges are made from 100% recycled materials and lanyards will have designed drop off bins at the end of the event to recycle.

Throughout the venue there are easily identifiable bins for sorting waste.

eat locally

All food will be fresh and locally sourced.

We will be using ceramic lunch ware to serve our attendees for breaks and lunch, thus reducing paper and plastic waste.

refill, again and again

Consider bringing your own water bottle for your time in Bangkok. 

stop single use plastic

The event will reinforce avoiding single-use plastic consumption, such as single-use plastic bags and straws.