Accelerating innovation with TM Forum Catalysts – Day 2

IT Support

Chair: Shengfan Hou, Senior Manager, Catalyst Development, TM Forum 14:00 – 14:05Accelerating innovation 14:05 – 14:20    Ethical AIEnsuring AI-driven decisions are fair and free from harmful bias and are designed to respect our privacy, security, and fundamental rightsPresentersChris Thornton, Telecoms Partner Ecosystem Development Leader, Red HatNaman Gupta, Telecoms Partner Ecosystem Development Leader, Red Hat 14:25 – 14:40   The Metaverse experience: Re-inventing telco …

Accelerating innovation with TM Forum Catalysts – Day 1

IT Support

Chair: Shengfan Hou, Senior Manager, Catalyst Development, TM Forum 16:00 – 16:05Accelerating innovation  16:05 – 16:205G Enablement through industry standardized APIsEnable exposure of 5G scenarios for an enhanced customer experience by defining a unified API specification across TM Forum and CAMARAPresentersLuis Fernando Rubio Martínez, Telecom Executive Director, NTT DataMohamed ElGamal, Enterprise Architect, Ericsson 16:22 – 16:37    Channels & markets – Phase …