
IT modernization: gaining flexibility, agility and speed to innovate and grow

Wednesday, 15 March 2023
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Stage: Deep Dive

Andy Tiller, EVP, Member Products & Services, TM Forum    
Ian Turkington, VP, Architecture & APIs, TM Forum

INTERVIEW: Implementing a hybrid microservices architecture

  • What are the challenges facing our industry, and how does a CSP shift gear and go beyond the status of a simple commodity?
  • How can a hybrid microservices architecture support this transformation?
  • What are the benefits and outcomes of adopting this architecture? 
  • How do you drive API adoption across the organization?

Divesh Gupta, VP – New Technology & Sales Operations, PCCW Global
Interviewer: Ian Turkington, VP, Architecture & APIs, TM Forum

Achieving closer integration of network and IT operations 

  • With network and IT convergence happening commercially – how do you shift from an architecture to a business focus? focus?
  • Developing a plan to support the merging of network and IT clouds
  • Merging and redistributing responsibilities across network and IT teams
  • How can IT and network operations be bridged with intelligent automation?

Transforming BSS/OSS to support 5G services 

  • Challenges of creating BSS/OSS architectures that provide the agility, flexibility and real-time intelligence needed for new business models
  • How can legacy OSS/BSS solutions best be integrated into an automated, closed-loop networking environment?
  • To what extent can legacy OSS/BSS be automated?

PANEL: Extending the life of legacy systems and applications with microservices and Open APIs 

  • How to speed up your existing monoliths by using APIs and refactoring into microservices 
  • Using APIs to maximize the agility and scalability of legacy OSS and BSS
  • How to leverage APIs to expose data and functionality while ensuring the integrity of legacy systems 
  • Opting for an iterative modernization of systems rather than a big bang approach
  • Reducing security risks through the use of microservices

Moderator: Andy Tiller, EVP, Member Products & Services, TM Forum    
Shekhar Anand Jha, Global Programme Manager, Digital & IT Operations, Vodafone
Divesh Gupta, VP –  New Technology & Sales Operations, PCCW Global
Hitesh Kumar, IT Director, Ooredoo Myanmar
Naman Gupta, Global Business Development Lead, Red Hat


Andy Tiller

EVP, Member Products & Services
TM Forum

Divesh Gupta

Vice President - New technology and Sales Operations
PCCW Global

Hitesh Kumar

IT Director
Ooredoo Myanmar

Ian Turkington

VP, Architecture & APIs
TM Forum

Naman Gupta

Global Business Development Manager - Telco, Media & Entertainment, Singapore
Red Hat

Shekhar Anand Jha

Global Programme Manager, Digital & IT Operations