After hours mixer

IT Support

Join us as we unwind after a busy day. Throughout the expo, we will have a variety of stations serving drinks as you mix and mingle with new and old connections. 

IT modernization: gaining flexibility, agility and speed to innovate and grow

IT Support

Moderators:Andy Tiller, EVP, Member Products & Services, TM Forum    Ian Turkington, VP, Architecture & APIs, TM Forum INTERVIEW: Implementing a hybrid microservices architecture What are the challenges facing our industry, and how does a CSP shift gear and go beyond the status of a simple commodity? How can a hybrid microservices architecture support this transformation? What are the benefits and …

How to build a data-driven CSP

IT Support

Moderators:  Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI & Customer Experience, TM ForumSharanjit Leyl, International Broadcaster  FIRESIDE CHAT: Creating a data-driven framework to break down silos and execute data governance  Emphasizing the importance of making sure that the data in an organisation is properly organised so that it can really aid the business  Calling for all data to be governed correctly to keep …

Growth: Delivering value to different customer segments

IT Support

Moderators:Joann O'Brien, VP Digital Ecosystems, TM ForumManoj Menon, Founder, twimbit   CASE STUDY: Creating new revenue growth from the enterprise NaaS market How can CSPs take a lead in transforming the NaaS opportunity into revenue growth? What does a competitive NaaS solution and offering look like? Understanding the NaaS needs and requirements of the requirements of the enterprise market Building …

Accelerating innovation with TM Forum Catalysts – Day 2

IT Support

Chair: Shengfan Hou, Senior Manager, Catalyst Development, TM Forum 14:00 – 14:05Accelerating innovation 14:05 – 14:20    Ethical AIEnsuring AI-driven decisions are fair and free from harmful bias and are designed to respect our privacy, security, and fundamental rightsPresentersChris Thornton, Telecoms Partner Ecosystem Development Leader, Red HatNaman Gupta, Telecoms Partner Ecosystem Development Leader, Red Hat 14:25 – 14:40   The Metaverse experience: Re-inventing telco …

Making ESG a Strategic Priority

IT Support

Moderators: Dean Ramsay, Principal Analyst and Practice Lead, TM ForumDewi Rengganis, Senior Industry Analyst, Frost & Sullivan CASE STUDY: Achievements on the road to net zero  Stating the business case for ‘sustainability stewardship’: setting bold ambitions for environmental sustainability, investing and innovating to meet aggressive, personalized targets and setting an example for peers  Turning sustainability into a ‘win’, addressing Return …

Unlocking growth in the 5G economy

IT Support

Moderators:Sharanjit Leyl, International Broadcaster Mark Newman, Chief Analyst, TM Forum  Telco choices and growth strategies in the digital economy What are the main telco choices for growth? What does it take to become a successful solutions or platform player? How can telcos leverage their existing assets to go beyond connectivity? Building partnerships and ecosystems to support new business models and the …

Masterclass: Using TM Forum Components

IT Support

Learn about TM Forum’s components, the building blocks of the Open Digital Architecture Understand how ODA component build upon Open APIs, to provide true plug-and-play IT and networks Hear examples of how ODA has been used in case studies, to deliver business agility and operational efficiency Moderator: Ian Turkington, VP, Architecture & APIs, TM ForumCece Li, Product Operation Director, Whale CloudEmmanuel …

The future of operations for CSPs: Choose your path. Know the benchmarks.

IT Support

This is an invite-only session in partnership with Nokia. If you are interested in attending, please submit your interest here and we will be in touch. CSPs are evaluating new technologies and business models to deploy in today’s generation of networking; and depending on the path they choose, they may need to move beyond simple financial metrics to measure the success of …